Paul Sheehan (2006), Pan Macmillan, 388 pages
This book is engrossing from start to finish - I think it took me only about 4 hours to read. It tells the story surrounding a group of Muslim brothers in Sydney and their various court trials, convictions and brushes with the police over a 2-3 year period. All six brothers would be considered by even the most generous members of the community as serious criminals. Add to the mix their claims that a cultural timebomb caused them to rape and you have a fascinating story set within multicultural Sydney. Four of the brothers are now serving lengthy prison sentences for a number of gang rapes of young girls. The other two were involved in a road rage incident during their brothers' trial which left one of the younger brothers dead after the road rage victim fought back. I did not think it was a particularly well written book but it is an excellent expose of the legal system at work and how it often serves to further humiliate, punish and even re-abuse the victims in sexual attacks. The young women in these particular cases varied in age from 14 - 17 when raped, but they showed considerable courage in coming forward. It is horrifying to think that some of the convicted brothers will be out of jail while they are still in their 20s. Their disregard for women, of any race (including their own family) tends to indicate they have little chance of rehabilitation. I certainly recommend this book but it is not for the fainthearted.