Sunday, March 12, 2006


Philip Seymour Hoffman (Truman Capote)
Having just finished reading Gerald Clarke's biography, Capote, as well as In Cold Blood, on both of which the film is based, I was most excited to see Hoffman's portrayal of Capote. As his Oscar win has shown, he was brilliant. Hoffman truly captures the essence of Capote - his mannerisms, his arrogance and his insecurities. I simply loved the film, although I wonder how much it will mean to people who do not know the surrounding history of Capote. His life was so incredibly amazing yet the film only covers the critical 6 years or so surrounding the publication of In Cold Blood. Regardless, Hoffman deserves his Oscar and the performance is outstanding.

Catherine Keener (Harper Lee)
I thought Catherine also did a stellar job in this film, but it was difficult for anyone to shine other than Hoffman.

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